News > Yes, Ride-ON is finally online!

Ride-On ski&snowboard stickerYes, Ride-ON is finally online!

It always takes longer than you think and therefore we are extra pleased that our website is finally finished! BaronBaron and Redecal media have created something beautiful and we are very happy with the result!

Welkom, willkommen, welcome!

As freelance guides, trainers, ski and snowboard instructors we want to show who we are, what we do and what we can do for winter sports enthusiasts.

Who are we? 

Daniel Tomaschek, Stefan Wallner and Julian Steiger Pleased to meet you!

You've come to the right place if you:

  • are an fanatical snowboarder or skier.
  • want to book a guide or a private trainer.
  • want to go off-piste/ backcountry skiing or snowboarding.
  • want to become a ski or snowboard instructor.
  • are a ski/snowboard instructor and you want to reach a higher level.
  • want to learn more about snow and avalanches.
  • want to have a spectacular time in the snow.

In short, if you are looking for professionals or you want to ride with a professional, you've come to the right place.

You can follow us here, get all information about ski and snowboard instructor courses, training posibillities, amazing freeride / backcountry camps, or hire us as your guide, coach or ski and snowboard instructor.Of course you can surf around a bit, look at the pictures, stories and check out our sponsors.

We hope to meet lot's of new people who we can inspire, let them become better skiers and snowboarder and let them experience more fun and more passion for their sport so hopefully we will climb a mountain together to make the best downhill runs ever!

Until that time we say, look around, ask questions, enjoy life, become a Facebook friend, sign up for our newsletter and hopefully we will meet soon!

Welcome to the Family!


Daniel Tomaschek, Steff Wallner en Julian Steiger

Ride-On ski_snowboard privé gids trainer opleider Daniel Tomaschek - Steff Wallner - Julian Steiger off-piste powder freeride camps

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This background picture is made by:
Frank Eerland
Daniel Tomaschek